High Altitude Grown Flowers
Alma, CO – 10,600ft
Mountain Grown Gardens has become very well known all over the state for their big mixed hanging baskets. You can see these large baskets showcased throughout the towns of Breckenridge and Dillon and beyond. The specialty here is big, mixed variety and color flowering pots and baskets. Prices and sizes vary. Supplies are limited and baskets sell fast. The early bird gets the worm!!
Cash and Check Only!

Mountain Grown Gardens
Located at 10,600 feet at the base of Hoosier Pass in the sunny town of Alma Colorado is Mountain Grown Gardens; a greenhouse grower focused on raising plants and flowers at high altitude so they are acclimated to the high country. Mountain Grown Gardens was founded in 2004 by Colorado native, Jessica Cope who still works everyday managing over 15,000sq ft of greenhouses and 10 employees who together are raising more than 240,000 young plants with no automation. Jessica is also chiefly responsible for coming up with the best combinations of flowers you can find!

Huge Selection
You will also find a large selection of spring bedding plants: annual flats, high altitude hardy perennials as well as a smattering of popular herb and veggie starts.

Mother’s Day weekend to early October to the general public
Hours: 7 days a week: 10am-5pm
Please note that the majority of the annuals in flats and blooming perennials are not ready for sale until early to mid June. Call or text for current availability. This is due to the fact that it is not safe to put annual flowers or other plants actively budding/blooming outside until early/mid-June in the Colorado Rockies once frosty and freezing nights stop. Selection is best at the nursery the first week of June.
Regrettably, we are unable to accept any new landscape customers at this time, we do not sell wholesale.
Cash and check only.